Monday 23 March 2009

Day 3: Spreading broken wings

The campaign has started three days ago, and strangely, all the embargo concerning critisizing the governemnt on public media has been lifted, so yesterday you could hear a candidate with a red angry face saying « The Current politics are a total failure », but that, everybody seems to agree on already, but it's always to see it on TV

Mr Bouteflike vistied Setif today, an important town in the Algerian High Plateaus, where he spoke about the importance of sports and partriotic achievments, and about the rotten Algerian sports scene, especially football, you can't help but like the charisma of Mr Bouteflika for a while, makes you sometimes forget that he is the head of a bankrupt regime, then Mr bouteflika moved to Borj BouArririj, the rival town of Setif, where he was met with huge masses , you can't omit the rivality between these two towns, even when it comes to showing support for a politic nobody really understands

Mr Fouzi Rebbaine, one of the ¨ five who already lost » visited Wahran today, which is to Algeria what Barcelona is to spain, Mr Rebbaine has a jovial face, of a stereotyped father, where he spoke about his unability to have any kind of access to Television out of the presidential campaign season, and you can't even blame him for saying that.

Mr Moussa Touati, speaks about the involvment of international investors, with some catastrophic consequences you cannot ignore, which led the common Algerian to feel second to any foreigner in his own country, but in the Algerian system, the concept of « post failure resignation » doesn't exist, neither in the governemt, nor in the legislative branch, and of course nor in the political parties, who are sometimes the places of such dictatorships, that makes you
regret the goverment's flavour.

Mrs Louiza Hannoun went to Mascara, an agricultural important area in the Algerian's heartland, and where she promised many impossible things to the Algerian farmers, who don't want to farm to begin with, and that's another story and where she went as far as promising to ¨ bring back the Algerian money in the American banks » of course everybody except her seems to be aware that this is atotally impossible thing to do.

Mr Mouhamdi Said promised, and this is no joke, a 2800 euros income for an eight members family, which is great, and of coure why not a flying saucer to every family too, while Mr Jahid Younssi, spoke about « passing the torch », where he said ¨ we are waiting for passing the torch since the independance » and where he cricized the multiple-mandat constitutional change, and he knows what he istalking about, since he stole the torch from the former leader Mr Djaballah.

There is a strange feel of sinking while being high on methadone in this campaign, are we feeling the slow deprivation of oxygen, or is it just one of these nightmares you don't know if you are dreaming awake, or awake dreaming, but even bad plays have an audience, and even bad movies can become blockbusters, so let's hope this is a good movie with a bad trailer.

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