Monday 23 March 2009

DAY 0: When Blue is the Color

After a huge dose of suspense which lasted for the best part of the year (of course from a cheap brand of suspense) and in an US Demorcratic Party worthy Conveition, President Bouteflika Announced that he will run for president, in big party where everybody was present, and by everybody i don't mean everybody like ¨ everybody who had nothing to do that day », but i mean everybody like EVERYBODY, all the people you would expect, the governement, labour leaders,civil leaders, business people, Military , and even Mob Bosses perhaps (you never know everybody was dressed alike, and an Armani suit is the same oneverybody), where Rai was music and blue was the colour, miles of blue fabric to cover the huge conference center in the suburb of Algiers known as ¨ la coupole » which looks mind you like a flying saucer, imagine what would have happned if it took off, god forbids, we would be so deprived of our créme de la
créme !

Anyways it was bound to happen and it happned, and everybody was like ¨ oh great » you never know when something so ¨ unpredictable » happens, Mr Boutfelika in a shape better then people half his age, stood in the center of the spotlights, spoke, told some jokes, shook handes, and everybody had a good time, except perhaps people who saw the uncomfortable parallels with the Obama Conventions, because everything was so blue, could easily give you the blues, and that's the last thing you'd want in a party, they then launched their website, and the effigie of the campaign, no less then a white dove, so let me say it again, it was white on blue, and as a famous Algerian columnist noted, it was the first time where the colours of the country Green and Red missed the party, but maybe it's part of a brand of modernity that I
can't understand

and that's when all this affair became interesting, from this deep bottom we could only rise up, and man did it feel like sinking halfway the surface.

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